October Farm News

The fall/winter season is approaching fast, and we have had a great growing season at Abby Farms. The 13” of rain we received in early summer filled our ponds which ensured we had ample irrigation water for the growing season. We are currently at the beginning stage of a 30,000 tree digging season which will continue daily for the next several months. Our Nutrient management department is preparing the empty fields for their load of organic material prior to replanting. We are also starting the winterization process of plant material in the fields,(crape myrtles and hollies). Soil and tissue samples are analyzed, and we typically increase the potassium, silica, and copper levels heading into winter. This cocktail has worked very well for us over the past few hard winters. The container growers, are seeing a lot of movement as their areas are thinning down and the start of consolidation begins in preparation for the winter. Fall is always colorful at Abby Farms, give Doug Miller a call and ask for a farm tour. Spend some time with our growers and see how we are Pioneering Sustainable Horticulture.

abby farms fall preperation