Our Grass is Legal


Here at Abby Farms we have expanded our grass lineup in response to customer suggestions. Now you can get all of the plant material you need for your job without having to go to the trouble of finding multiple dealers.

Not only is our grass legal but it is also sustainably grown , so you can be sure no matter how you use it your customers will be highly satisfied knowing it contains no toxic chemicals. Our sustainably grown grass has a higher survival rate in the landscape because its growing buzz wasn’t harshened by being shot up with toxic chemicals and other adulterants typically used by traditional growers.

We are offering our grass in two sought after sizes, a one gallon and the big bold yet modestly priced two gallon. This size combination will allow our customers to simply accent a planting with a stately one gallon or put their grass right out in the spotlight with a high impact two gallon.

Please if you need help with your grass use give our friendly sales rep Doug Miller a call 240-388-0700 or drop him an email ddmiller@abby-farms.com and he can provide you with a list of our current availability and get you the help you need fast.

Don’t let your next job go up in smoke because you wasted all your time coordinating material deliveries and pickups from multiple dealers. Abby Farms will be your go to dealer for all the plant material you need and our high quality & customer service will be sure to keep you coming back to get your fix.